Metro Manila

Gaggia Anima Espresso and Coffee Machine SUP043

It has 5 different grind settings that offers the finest grind for a full-bodied espresso to coarser grinds for a lighter tasting coffee. Each drink can be customized by choosing from a range of 5 coffee strengths, 3 temperature settings, as well as coffee length, all of which can be programmed and stored with your preferred setting for future brews. The by-pass doser allows you to brew pre-ground coffee, which is ideal for guests who prefer a different blend or decaf.The Pannarello Steam Wand simplifies the milk frothing process by injecting air directly into your milk to create rich, velvety foam perfect for lattes and cappuccinos.
Manufacturer: Gaggia Milano
Availability: In stock
SKU: SRK-94AEC071-7247-4DCF-A278-92C3F4BEE7AD
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